Find the exit of several mazes with different sound effects as clues.

It's simple but it's not easy : there are dangers on the way to the exit.

It's a video game designed during Games for Blind Gamers 4 with GB Studio and LibreSprite apps. 

The character's movement in a maze must be done step by step:

- no sound effect: you are on a safe step,

- double sound effect: you hit a wall,

- defeat sound effect: the game is lost and return to the start screen,

- victory sound effect: the game is over and return to the start screen.

Theme: make a game accessible for blind players.

Thanks to community of "Pommes". 

Public assets are use:

- music by Beatscribe

- sound effects by Tronimaland and Beatscribe

- graphics by (1-bit-pack)


- up, down, left and right direction arrows

- esc key to quit full screen

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